what a weekend!

thursday (6/20): yelp event celebrating one of anson’s friends’ bday (denise). we went to tequila shots in milpitas (a little ghetto since bar is under a freeway). they had all their specials that day (usually one special each day) including $2 shots of strawberry shortcake, mint chocolate chip, and watermelon jolly rancher. we had the super nachos (too much sour cream) for $5 and $1 tacos (pretty spicy, but so good). fun experience and the bill was only $27 total. it was our first time doing shots…didn’t have much alcohol, but good fun except for the fact that spurs lost to heat in game 7 of the nba championship…

friday (6/21): after worship team, i went over to deborah’s for a women’s sleepover. i don’t think i’ve been to one since college (and i never went to many to begin with). we first updated what was going on in our lives and what we did before at a sleepover. then, we made craft magnets (i spelled out the word “Prison” with scrabble letters), made a magnet with our wedding date, and 4 other flower magnets to decorate our fridge. then, we went out and pranked two guys from church. we first filled up dixie cups full of water and put them all outside albert’s front porch. he came out, we waved, then ran. then, we put post its all over the windows of tim’s car. we went home and watched the rest of “hitch”, and slept around 3:15am.

saturday (6/22): anson, kevin, and i helped cindy move from her old apartment in san bruno to santa clara. both places had stairs, but kevin and anson did a good job of moving the heavy stuff. eunice and melinda joined us at the new apartment, and kevin and anson went with eunice to pick up her futon and bed. eunice and i made the place look much better by rearranging the furniture, cushions, etc. i really like their apartment since their balcony overlooks a fountain and a pond full of ducks! they also have a clubhouse and swimming pool there. for dinner, we ate at choi’s kitchen, then we went home…and i had a nap from 7pm to 2am, woke up to brush my teeth and took a shower…then went back to sleep =)

sunday (6/23): today was more relaxed. we still had to wake up early to go to worship team practice, but we didn’t stay for sunday school, so i was able to buy groceries and we ate lunch at bagel street cafe. after another 2 hour nap, anson and i went to lisa’s (anson’s ex-coworker) nonprofit dance presentation and watch a couple belly dancing performances while eating indian buffet. all in all, this weekend has been fun and crazy and relaxing…still more to come in the next few days!

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