Uncle William, my dad’s younger brother, passed away at the beginning of October. I didn’t know him that well, so it was nice to hear about what he did in his life. He was a quiet man, but played the violin in a well known orchestra in Hong Kong, studied and was a social worker, became an engineer when he moved to the states, and loved and served the church faithfully for years as the Cantonese choir director. We attended his memorial on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
On Friday, Anson and I had lunch with his parents before we went over to my parents’ place to stay the night. This was so that we could drive them to the memorial and was a way for us to serve them (I shouldn’t get annoyed at this) since my dad can’t drive anymore and my mom is uncomfortable with driving long distances. We were already going to have a busy weekend since we were staying the night in Hollywood to attend David Foster’s 75th bday celebration at the Hollywood Bowl (too cold and bad sound quality), but I’m glad that we went.
The service was well run (wondering if Emily helped lol…loved the Porto’s after service). Tim K led in worship with Amazing Grace, the choir sang one song, there were 3 people who spoke about Uncle William (a choir friend, Irene (his sister), and Hanson (his oldest son), and Johnson gave a message. One of the things his father said was to his grandchildren to “be a Christian on the inside”. He seemed like a loving friend, husband, father, and grandfather. He already knew how he wanted his service to be held and wanted the gospel to be preached as his last act to have others hear about Christ. He was never outspoken during his time on earth, but he did not need to be in order to make Christ known in both his life and death. Farewell, Uncle William. I’ll see you later.