grr myspace for deleting my entire blog from 2006 till present! i’m thankful that i used a couple hours at the beginning of the year to go through my whole blog and copy paste it to text file or else 6 years worth of blogging would have vanished. yes, i do have my physical blog, but searching through it is much easier using text file =) thanks to my husband, “life is so blog” has been reborn on wordpress! yay! it’s so use friendly!
i wanted to blog today…about my blogging. i have been blogging on myspace for 6 years and geocities (can’t find those enteries anymore…wahh) for a little longer. i’ve made the 6 years of entries into pdf. 162 pages! what’s funny is that half of the whole thing is the first 2 years (’06-’08) i’ve significantly been decreasing in writing in quantity and quality.
i see those entries in the past and i’m so emotional and they have some cool insights, some are dumb, but i had no filter. i wrote what i wanted and didn’t care of the consequences at that time. maybe it’s a reflection on life too. i use to say many things that i’d regret later, but i still said them cuz i knew that, in my heart, it was true. i felt so uninhibited. now as i’m older, i try to curb the things i say. i don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. i want to be nice, and i’ve become boring! well, i definitely still love my traveling documentation, but where are my inner thoughts? where is my spunkiness?
yes, i’ve just turned 28 and a third of our lives are over. doesn’t mean i have to be square! i need to put more of myself in these entries. i want to be productive and motivated. work is work, and everything else is my time to do beneficial things. there’s so much at your fingertips to learn. i’ve enrolled into some courses online. it’s amazing how some colleges offer classes for free to the general public. take advantage of it! learn more! do more! imma make it my motto!