
we got the keys to the house on jan 8, wed. we moved a few boxes worth throughout the week. we got the house grounded which cost almost 2 grand. anson also bought a stainless steel side by side fridge from best buy. it was the only one we found that was a side by side fridge that could fit the smaller area of our kitchen, but it looks real nice. i have to get use to putting food in it though since it has less area than what i’m use to.

the actual moving day was saturday, jan 18th. kevin leong, jacob chang, and christine ouyang helped us move. props to the guys for all the heavy lifting! too bad the guys didn’t stay for lunch. i made sloppy joes for anson and christine…well, it might have been better that it was a small setting since i couldn’t find some of my utensils and whatnot =)

i bought some house hold items including new bathmats, showerhead, and curtains.  we have all our furniture in our room set up, both the computers, and the bookshelf. i’ve been unpacking many of the boxes and we just need to unpack a couple more, put some things in the closet storage, the garage, or the shed. 

tomorrow (sat the 25th), we’ll need to drain the water heater since it’s been making some noise. we’ll probably have to buy a sofa and an area rug since our parents will be coming up in two weeks. if we buy the sofa from costco, we might need to ask tim uy for help and use his van. we’ll also be receiving the washer and dryer from home depot and set those up too.  so busy this month.

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