Wong Family Highlights of 2013

1. Seems like a while ago now, but we did some travelling in the beginning of the year.

a) Bahamas in Feb b) Anson went to Lake Tahoe, I went to LA in March for mom’s bday c) Napa at the end of March d) Monterey for our wedding anniversary e) LA again in April for Deb’s wedding f) Sacramento with the parents for my bday g) Watsonville at Deb’s beachhouse h) Ensenada and Catalina on a cruise with parents in September i) Week long stay in LA afterward

2. Bought our first home in Santa Clara in December. We had put in two offers earlier in the year and were a little discouraged, but God has his timing in everything. We had a great peace throughout the whole process from getting an agent to final approval of the loan. Pray that this house will be used to minister to others.

3. Thankful for having the experience as a loan processor for a year since it greatly helped in our loan approval for our new house.

4. I am back in the accounting field! I quit as a loan processor and found an accounting job soon afterward. During my transition, had a 2 week vacation down in LA/cruise with my parents. Even though this is a temp job at a nursing facility, I am learning much in terms of payroll which will help me in my next job.

5. Anson was able to find a new job in February at a new company. He gets some pretty sweet benefits at the company and is being challenged each day. Pray for focus and for him to use his time well.

6. I switched to a new bookclub and am trying to be a more active participant. I’m finally making more closer friends at RBF like Nathan and Andrea, Cindy, and Christine. We watch movies and hung out at Nathan and Andrea’s. I watch Rockets games with Cindy. C, C, and i are in the same bookclub, so that relationship can further grow.

7. Slowly going through all the Hiking Trails/Open Space Preserves in the Bay Area. A few are: Mission Peak (on New Year’d Day!), Rancho San Antonio (many times), Fremont Older, Montebello, Picchetti, Saratoga Gap, St Joseph’s Hill, Windy Hill, Alum Rock park, etc.

The 2014 New Year is coming up soon (2 1/2 hours). Pretty sure we’re gonna have some fun moving and buying new stuff for the house, hosting people at the house, see if we’ll rent out rooms. Anson will battle himself to find time to sleep, I’ll also have to find another job, and I’m hoping that we’ll finally visit Oregon even though we won’t be living there for the short/long run. Excited for what 2014 will bring!

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