Work work work…was that an echo?

I’ve been at Cityteam for 2 years now. Time sure flies by! I’m not sure how I thought my work life would turn out, and I’m also not entirely sure this was how I wanted things to become, but I know that I have no reason to complain and that where ever I am, I should glorify God in my work.

Jada texted me recently to let me know that my previous position at BWC had an opening. It made me contemplate on how my life has changed after leaving the company. I miss my former coworkers since I had a good working relationship with them. I loved that BWC was 2 miles away from work. I was salaried and had a generous PTO policy. Work was tough, but I would normally get off at a reasonable time and only worked a couple weekends a year.

At CityTeam, it is a blessing and a curse to be able to work from home part of the time. It is hard to develop good working relationships when, at Zanker, most people were on the other side and far from my desk, so it was hard to have a good rapport even when I was in the office. My manager also works from home most of the time, so if I was in the office, it wouldn’t make much difference. We are also moving offices to Echo…echo…echo…

I am thankful that our accounting team is not moving with everyone else from Zanker to 13th St. Our lease at Zanker was up and they had to move HR, executive team, and marketing and development teams to an existing location: 13th st…which is, frankly, not in the best or safest neighborhood due to the nature of our work with the homeless and drug rehabilitation programs. Iraida, Leila, and I, instead, are moving to the Echo Executive Center which are the offices that are connected to Echo Church in San Jose. 

We’ve been settling down in our new office. It has a lot of light from the windows as it is a corner office. We all have standing desks and a fridge and coffee/small snacks (mostly provided by me becuz it’s my love language 🙂 At first, I didn’t know if the placement of my desk was the best since Leila would be able to see my screen, but I moved one of the monitors so that I could put my laptop on the desk, so it gives me a little more privacy. I also love that I have unrestricted access with my desk placed where it is and can wheel my chair to the fridge/printer 🙂 

Whenever I do go in to the office (either 1 or 2 times a week), the hubby and I can carpool since Pure moved to Santa Clara. I’ve enjoyed being able to get lunch and dinner at Great America during this summer. Now that summer is over though, need to check the schedule for when they are open…don’t think I’ll be renewing next year, so gotta take advantage!

Overall..I think I’m happy here. Work will always have its ups and downs. I believe in their mission to reach the lost for Christ in tangible and spiritual ways. I need to work on using my time in a way that God would be honored.

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